Saturday, February 21, 2009

lots to catch up on!!

It has been almost two months since the last post...i don't know how time goes so fast....We have almost been in our house now for a year. We moved in on Nollas 6Th birthday and now we find us planning her 7th birthday!! We have done a lot of the past two months. We had a new years party here with the four of us counting down to midnight at 8 o'clock followed by confetti and sparkling cider, then we were all in bed by about 9!!! We had a visit from Nana and Papa. We loved it and had lots of fun. We went to a Nuggets game and Curtis was able to get us a private box from his work. But Nolla ended up getting sick at the game with pink eye and a ear infection... a couple days later she was feeling better and was able to enjoy the rest of the visit. The kids had a good valentines day both having parties in their classes.
The wind had been picking up here in castle rock so we have been enjoying flying our kites down at the park.... it is an activity that i think Curtis loves more then the kids!!
Tonight was the Daddy/Daughter ball. Nolla and I went shopping all day for her "perfect" dress and had a great time....and tonight she went to the ball and had a ton of made me a little weepy thinking about how in only a short time she will be going to her "real"prom!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

We had a GREAT christmas this year. We woke up early for presents. THe Cailes joined us for lunch, then we
went to the movie and just had a relaxing and family fun filled day. I couldnt have asked for a better day.